‘The Melting Home’ follows a team of four children who travel on a mission, after receiving an astral message from the Ursa Minor (a constellation in the Northern Sky). The message guides them to the Arctic to save the polar bears currently at risk of extinction because of climate change. In a journey full of adventure, obstacles and discovery, will they be able to fulfill their mission to slow down the melting process?
“The Melting Home” is an animated children’s story which promotes children’s rights as climate activists. The story follows a team of four children travelling on a mission after receiving an astral message from Ursa Minor (a constellation in the Northern Sky). The message guides them to the Arctic to save the polar bears who are currently at risk of extinction because of climate change. In a journey full of adventure, obstacles and discovery, will they be able to fulfill their mission to slow down the melting process?
Inspired, among others, by activists such as Greta Thunberg, who have inspired millions by their expression of concern about climate change and the future of the environment, “The Melting Home” is a story for children which has been created with the participation of children themselves. It aims to motivate children to develop and practice skills which encourage climate change awareness. It also develops appreciation of ethical storytelling and art as a resource for exploring the interconnectedness between sustainable development and the rule of law.
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